Compounding Pharmacy: Lotions
(1) Calamine lotion
- Calamine 8g
- ZnO 8g
- Glycerin 6ml
- Rose(lime)water to 100ml
(2) Calamine with sulphur
- Sulpher 2 g
- Calamine Lotions to 100ml
(3) Calamine with Icthamol
- Icthamol 2g
- Calamine Lotion to 100ml
Also, menthol 0.5 g can be added to calamine lotion to be used as antiseptic.
(4) Lead subacetate Lotions (conc. solutions)
- Pb-acetate 250g
- Pb-oxide 175g
- Dist.water to 1000 ml
Lead subacetate Lotions
- strong soln of Pb-subacetate 12.5 ml
- Dist.water to 1000 ml
It must be freshly prepared.
It decreases swelling and inflammation.
It decreases swelling and inflammation.
Used in hemorrhoids.
(5) Boric acid Lotions
- Boric acid 4g
- Dist.H2o to 100ml
Used as a skin antiseptic and 2% used as eye lotions.
(6) Acne vulgaris lotion
- calamine 2g
- salicylic acid 1g
- sulphur 1g
- ZnO 2g
- Resorcinol 2g
- Tetracycline 250mg 2 cap
- Glycerin Q.S
- Alcohol 70% 50ml
(7) Potassium Permanganate Lotions (1/10000 or 1/8000 or 1/5000)
- Pot. Permen 1 g
- water to 5000 or 8000 or 10000 ML
Used in cleansing applications to wounds, ulcers, or abscesses and as wet dressings and as baths in eczematous conditions.
(8) Eusol Lotions (chlorinated lime & boric acid lotions)
- Chlorinated lime 1.25g
- Boric acid 1.25 g
- Water to 100ml
Dissolve boric acid in boiling water, cool
Mix the paste with the cold boric acid solution with vigorous shaking and leave for 24 hr and filter clear solutions.
Used as antiseptic especially in the diabetic foot.
Must be freshly prepared.
Not to be used after 2 weeks.
(9) Alkaline eye lotions
- NaCL 9 g
- Borax 4g
- NaHCo3 20g
- Dist.H2O 1000ml
Used as antiseptic.
(10) Driclor
- Aluminum chloride 20 gm
- Alcohol to 100 ml
It is applied to dry skin usually at bedtime and is washed off in the morning.
(11) Menthol in calamine lotion
- Calamine Lotion 100ml
- Menthol 0.5g
- Boric acid 3 g
Used as antiseptic.
- Benzyl benzoate 33ml
- Softsoap 33ml
- Alcohol 70% to 100ml
- Salicylic acid 1gm
- Tr. Cantheridis 10ml
- Tr.capsicum 10ml
- Tr.jaborandi 10ml
- Liquid amm. 10ml
- Tr.I2 10ml
- Glycerin 10ml
- Pilocarpine nitrate 1.5gm
- Tr.jaborandi 15ml
- Tr.cantheridis 7.5ml
- Quinine HcL 1.5gm
- Resorcinol 1.5gm
- Panthenol 16ml
- Salicylic acid 1.5gm
- Castor oil 10ml
- Lavander oil 1 ml
- Alcohol to 100ml
- Salicylic acid 4 gm
- Benzoic acid 6 gm
- Glycerin 10 ml
- Alcohol 70% to 100 ml