Compounding Pharmacy: Pasts & Poultices
(1) Unna’S PASTE
- ZnO 15gm
- Gelatin 15gm
- Glycerin 35gm
- Water 35gm
(2) KAOLIN POULTICES (cataplasma)
- Heavy kaolin 527gm
- Boric acid 45gm
- Methyl salicylate 2ml
- Piperment oil 0.5ml
- Thymol 0.5gm
- Glycerin 425ml
Boric acid + glycerin are added to kaolin & heat the mix at 120 for 1hr then cool & add peppermint oil + thymol in methyl salicylate, mix well then store in cold place.
N.B. used to draw the pus from the boils.