
nanotechnology is the science of matter with sizes in the range of 1 –
100 nm
(1 – 100 �10 − 9 m). These are scales of large molecules; for
example, the sizes of
some familiar matter are DNA, 1 – 2 nm; virus, 3 – 50 nm; and red
blood cell,
∼ 300 nm.
At these nano scales, matter behaves quite differently than it would
at the
macro level to which we are accustomed. Properties such as
magnetism, melting and boiling points, and reactivity may be dissimilar
at the
nano and macro scales due to the quantum mechanical behavior of small
structures at molecular dimensions.
nanotechnology provides a means to manufacture particles with very
surface area to mass ratio and, together with their unique properties,
provide opportunities for more surface interactions and biochemical
to ensue. One use of nanotechnology is for drug delivery devices.
Nano cages
with embedded drugs can be delivered to their targets with high
specifi city
and enable interactions to take place to alter the disease pathways.
Clinical trials are in progress where nano particle shells with
drugs are tested on patients. It is believed that the nano shells can
seek out
cancerous cells and target them for destruction by the chemo drugs.


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