Macular Dystrophy Scare: Is Glenn Beck Going Blind?

(CBS) Liberals might believe that Glenn Beck has been blind all along, but now the television talk show host says that he is suffering from macular dystrophy and may actually lose his sight.

"A couple of weeks ago I went to the doctor because of my eyes, I can't focus my eyes," he said to a Salt Lake City crowd on Saturday. "He did all kinds of tests and he said, 'you have macular dystrophy could go blind in the next year. Or, you might not.'"

The often comedic Beck fired back, "Did you just charge me a thousand dollars for knowing what I knew my whole life?"
Vitelliform macular dystrophy is a genetic eye disorder which causes vision loss over time by disrupting cells in a small area near the center of the retina which is responsible for sharp central vision. A more aggressive version can strike during childhood. Either form can make it hard to recognize faces, read and drive.

During Saturday's event, Beck quickly turned his medical problems towards a larger platform - his opposition to President Obama's health care reform.
"I went to the best doctor I could find, while I could still go to the best doctor I can find," he told the approximately 6,000 people assembled for his "American Revival" tour.


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