BPS Announces Changes to the 2013 Examination

BPS is pleased to announce the following changes for the 2013 Pharmacy Specialty examinations

BPS is pleased to announce the following changes for the 2013 Pharmacy Specialty examinations:

Computer-Based Examination Administration
This link is to a sample test that demonstrates the computer-based testing environment administered by Castle for BPS. Any questions you may have should be answered during this demonstration or in the testing instructions. Candidates are strongly encouraged to view the sample test and the testing instructions prior to sitting for the examination.

Please note the content outlines for the BPS specialty examinations remain the same. Content outlines are available for review under the "Specialties" tab on this page. For 2013, there will still be 200 questions on each BPS specialty certification examination and 100 questions on the recertification examinations. The multiple-choice format remains. Four possible answers are provided for each question, with only ONE designated as the correct or best choice. For initial certification candidates the schedule remains unchanged from previous years and is as follows:
Examination Part 1 (100 multiple-choice items): 2.5 hour testing period in the morning
Optional break
Examination Part 2 (100 multiple-choice items): 2.5 hour testing period in the afternoon
Candidates will have the ability to go back to review or change answers while they are seated in the specific 100 question portion of the examination.
Expanded Test Dates
Rather than test on a single day, candidates can choose their own testing day within the test administration window beginning on Thursday, September 19, 2013 through Saturday, October 5, 2013. Please note that most testing centers are not open on Sundays.
Scoring for all candidates takes place after the test administration window closes. Scores are computed based on the correct responses recorded by candidates. It is to the candidate's advantage to answer every question on the examination. There is no penalty in the scoring formula for guessing. The individual score report will indicate whether the candidate passed or failed the examination. Scores will range from a minimum of 200 to a maximum of 800. The minimum passing score on BPS examinations is 500. Pass/fail decisions are based on the total score indicated on the score report, not on performance in the domains.
BPS creates new versions, or forms, of all of its tests on a regular basis. In assembling the new forms, BPS and its testing consultants follow best practices in certification testing so that all forms are comparable in content and difficulty. Once the examination forms have been equated, a procedure called scaling is used to convert the actual number of correct answers, or raw scores, to a uniform scale. These converted scores are called scaled scores. Equated, scaled scores ensure that all candidates for a BPS specialty certification demonstrate at least the same level of knowledge in order to pass the examination.


Candidates may withdraw from the certification process prior to the close of the application deadline of August 1, 2013.
Candidates must inform BPS of their withdrawal in writing via fax, regular mail, or email. The request must be received by the Board on or before the deadline of August 1, 2013. Candidates who withdraw from the certification process will be refunded the fee paid, less an administrative charge of $200. Refunds will be processed within three to five weeks after the examination date.
After August 1, BPS will review requests for withdrawals with decisions made on a case-by-case basis.Acceptable withdrawal requests, with appropriate documentation (e.g., physician’s letter, police report, etc.) will be considered under the following situations:
  1. Serious illness (either the candidate or an immediate family member)
  2. Death in the immediate family
  3. Disabling accident
  4. Court appearance
  5. Jury duty
  6. Unexpected military call-up
Candidates whose withdrawal request is not approved by BPS will forfeit all testing fees. Fees cannot be transferred to the following year. After August 1, candidates with approved withdrawals will be refunded the fee paid, less an administrative charge of $200.


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