How to answer Drug Information Request?

How to answer Drug Information Request?

How to answer Drug Information Request?

Here are the seven steps you can use in a systematic approach to answering a Drug Information Request if you use these steps you will provide the most evidence answer.

Step 1: Secure Demographics of Requestor

  • Requestor demographics ( Name and profession, physician-pharmacist-nurse-patient). 
  • Appropriate formulation and delivery method (DI Form & DI Answer Form. 
  • Initial question (First question asked by the requestor). 

Step 2: Obtain Background Information

  • Question type (Patient-specific or academic). 
  • Patient background information ( Age-Height-Weight-history-current problem-medication-allergies-laboratory information). 

Step 3: Determine and Categorize the Ultimate Question

  • Convert initial question + background information to the Ultimate Question. 
  • Categorize the ultimate question ( Select the suitable question category from the question categories). 
  • Develop a timeline for the response ( Locate the references that contain question category (drug oriented-disease oriented). 

Step 4: Develop Strategy and Conduct Search

  • Develop a search strategy and select the recourses (Exact resource name). 
  • Conduct a systematic search ( Further search in 2ndry & primary resources). 

Step 5: Perform Evaluation, Analysis, and Synthesis

  • Confirm with other references ( At least two resources confirmation) 
  • Check for the final answer, with professional judgment ( Perform evaluation and double check of the final answer) 
  • Check for all medication doses and interactions before answer the question. 

Step 6: Formulate and Provide Response

Drug information answer form must contain:

  1. Ultimate question. 
  2. The answer. 
  3. Recommendation. 
  4. References. 
  5. Pharmacist signature. 

Step 7: Conduct Follow-Up and Documentation

  • Follow your answer ( Ask the requestor if it was helpful and what is the action taken). 
  • Save all data ( Store a copy of every DI request in a file and on PC).


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