Inhalational anesthetic induction

Inhalational anesthetic induction

Inhalational induction is common in pediatric patients, and the potent inhaled anesthetic agents are excellent bronchodilators. The only exception is desflurane, which has mild bronchoconstriction activity.
The potent inhaled agents decrease skeletal muscle tone in a dose-dependent fashion, which often improves surgical exposure.

Mode Of Action

Acts on GABA-A, glycine, and glutamate receptors.


  • Inhalational induction time is longer; therefore, this technique is not suitable for rapid sequence intubation (RSI). 
  • Higher incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting. 
  • All potent volatile anesthetic agents cause dose-dependent systemic vasodilation and may decrease blood pressure.
  • All potent inhaled agents cause dose-dependent respiratory depression.

Inhalational anesthetic drugs

Inhalational anesthetic induction


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