
Showing posts from December, 2018

Paints in pharmacy| glycerin borax preparation is the first

(1) GLYCERIN BORAX PREPARATION 13% Borax 13gm Glycerin to 100ml Levigate the borax powder into a suitable amount of glycerin then complete to 100ml.  Glycerin of borax uses: Used as a soothing agent in mouth ulcers also used in nipple fissures. (2) GLYCERIN TANNIC ACID PAINT 15% Tannic acid 15gm Glycerin to 100 ml Astringent in spongy gum and sore throat and applied to eyelid in trachoma. 1g of Na-citrate can be added (3) Glycerin borax and Tr.benzoin SOLUTION Glycerin borax 20 ml Tr.benzoin 10 ml Used in nipple fissure (4) DENTAL GLYCERIN ( zinc chloride) ZnCL2 1gm Glycerin 1.6ml H2O 0.5ml Alcohol 1.5ml used for de-sensation for exposed dentin (5) GENTIAN VIOLET PAINT (Rosaniline dyes) Gentian violet 1 gm Alcohol 70% 100 ml Used as antiseptic and in moniliasis. 2g of G. V can be used with 100 ml of glycerin borax in breast fissures. (6) ALCOHOLIC MERCUROCHROME PAINT Mercurochrome 2gm Alcohol 70% to 100 ml (7) Mercurochrom...

Drops and washes [glycerin phenol ear drops]

(1) GLYCERIN BICARBONATE EAR DROPS Na bicarbonate 5 gm Glycerin 33 gm Water to 100 ml Dissolve bicarbonate in water Used for washing out ear wax. (2) HYDROGEN PEROXIDE EAR DROPS H2O2 vol 10 5 ml Water to 100 ml Must be freshly prepared & used as antiseptic. (3) GLYCERIN PHENOL EAR DROP Phenol 10 gm Glycerin to 100 ml Glycerin phenol ear drops use: Used as antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial. N.B. diluted with the same volume of glycerin to be used for children. (4) ALKALINE NASAL WASH NaHCO3 NaCl a.a Borax (5) MENTHOL NASAL DROPS (Menthol Paraffin) Menthol 10gm Eucalyptus 2ml Camphor 10gm Liquid paraffin to 100ml Used as a nasal decongestant. (6) ALUMINIUM ACETATE EAR DROPS 13% aluminium acetate in water  used to decrease oedema and inflammation by producing an acidic environment (7) BORIC ACID EAR DROPS (ALCOHOLIC EAR DROPS) Boric acid 4gm Alcohol 90% 100ml Dissolve boric acid in hot alcohol. (8) ARGYROL (SILVER PROTE...