Compounding Pharmacy: Ointment
(1) ICHTHAMMOL OINT Ichthammol 10gm Simple oint (Vaseline) to 100gm Castor oil added to Vaseline & Ichthammol (2) SALICYLIC ACID OINT Salicylic acid 5gm Vaseline to 100gm Used as keratolytic (3) WHITFIELD OINT Benzoic acid 3gm Salicylic acid 1.5gm Lanolin to 50gm Used as antifungal and keratolytic. (4) WHITE PPT. OINT (Ammoniated Mercury oint) Ammoniated Hg (pd) 2.5gm Vaseline to 100gm (5) BORIC ACID OINT Boric acid 10gm Vaseline to 100gm Used as antiseptic. (6) SULPHUR OINT Sulphur 5gm Liquid paraffin 5ml Vaseline to 100 ml Used for scabies and used in acne as antiseptic. (7) SCOTTS OINT. (comp. mercury oint) Strong mercury oint 40gm Yellow bees wax (lano vaseline) 24gm Arachis oil (olive oil) 24gm Camphor 12gm Used as dressing for large wounds & antirheumatic. (strong mercury oint) Hg 30gm Oleated Mercury 1.5gm Wool fat 43gm White bees wax 7gm White soft paraffin 18.5gm Oleated mercury consists of...